Growing up in southern Alberta, I enjoyed blissful hours and days reveling in the natural environment: hiking the prairie, exploring creeks and canyons, horseback riding, swimming in the river, and riding and camping in the Cypress Hills.
I clearly recall an exuberant mud-fight while on a hike in my late teens – using clay discovered in a prairie creek bed. Little did I know that many years later, I would again be playing with mud … and specifically, with clay mined and/or processed in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan!
In 2004, during my first pottery class at a Victoria studio, I was smitten with using the potters’ wheel to transform a lump of clay into something attractive and functional. I have subsequently participated in numerous classes, workshops and demonstrations, read voraciously, studied glaze chemistry, and developed a home studio in Fernwood, within Victoria.
I continue to enjoy nature and the beauty that surrounds us, and strive to incorporate that sensibility into my pots – using simple forms with durable glazes evocative of the environment. The majority of my work is functional: pieces for everyday use in the home, with surfaces and glazes that will stand up to dishwasher and microwave.
My work is sold through a few Victoria shops, and I occasionally participate in the annual Guild show or a community art stroll. I welcome visitors to my home studio and display area, by appointment. Please call or e-mail if you would like further information, or to arrange a visit.
Artist’s Statement:
Although I occasionally produce work which is purely decorative, my main focus is on making pots for everyday use and enjoyment: attractive, pleasant to handle, and able to withstand microwave and dishwasher use where applicable. It is important that my pieces be comfortable to look at and to hold/handle, and that glazes be durable, so their use may bring pleasure for years to come.