Meira has maintained her studio, Dancerwood Pottery in Victoria, for over 29 years while conducted clay workshops throughout Canada, the USA and Mexico. She is noted for her high-fired altered porcelain and distinctive surface treatment. Her work can be found at the BC Gallery in Vancouver plus a number of galleries in the USA. Since 1992 Meira has been the Executive Director of the Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts.
“I love what I do! Whether it is making a pot, participating in discussions with artists, or teaching and helping potters stretch their abilities.
My pots reflect my life – ever changing, a life full with color, fun, and pushing the limits”.
She especially enjoys the mentoring aspects of teaching and setting-up challenges for students that push them beyond mere techniques. She is a founding member of the South Vancouver Island Potters Guild.
Meira’s work is widely exhibited and has been highlighted in many books and publications including: Clay and Glazes – Daniel Rhodes, Ceramic Spectrum – Robin Hopper, 500 Tea Pots, 500 Pitchers and 500 Bowls – Lark publishing, and The Spirit of Ceramic Design – Robert Pipenberg .