Welcome to the site of The South Vancouver Island Potters Guild
The South Vancouver Island Potters Guild is a group of potters of all levels and approaches who have joined together to provide mutual support, education and motivation. Founded in 1999, and now with a membership of over 120 clay artists, it functions as a means of connection within the evolving meaning of the guild concept. Common love of clay gives us and potters the world over an instant connection, one which SVIPG deepens and broadens.
Regardless of which method we use, what temperature we fire to, and what our vision may be, we share this connection to clay and to each other.
The guild welcomes all levels of ceramic experience and expertise and all who share our love of the amazing, versatile material that is clay.
Our Members
Join Us
Thinking of joining the guild? You are welcome to attend 2 meetings to see if it's for you before you join.
You won't be able to borrow books or DVDs until you are a member.
Our year runs September to June and the annual membership fee is $35.
Upcoming Events
- April Guild Meeting on March 11, 2025 7:00 pm